- Use end nippers to extract any nails or screws from the damaged wood area.
- Nail 1x3 boards around the area to act as fences for guiding the router.
- Use a router equipped with a straight bit and guide bushing to remove the old wood from the damaged area. Hold the guide bushing against the 1x3 fences to produce straight, accurate cuts.
- Remove the 1x3s and square up the corners of the routed recess using a hammer and chisel.
- Mark the poplar patch to fit the routed recess. Cut the patch using a miter box and backsaw.
- Spread carpenter’s glue to the back of the patch, then nail it into the recess using 1½-inch finishing nails.
- Set the nails and fill the holes with wood putty.
- Once the wood putty dries, sand the patch smooth with a random orbit sander fitted with 100-grit abrasive.
- Apply one coat of primer and two topcoats of paint to the entire area.